5 Things to Not Say to an Undocumented blogger

Being an undocumented immigrant who blogs is quite the….experience. Most of the times it’s just “Ugh” brain numbingly boring, others times it’s amusing, hilarious even, but overall it’s disheartening that so many people can be so selfish, ignorant, and racist.

Here are the top 5 comments I get on my posts:

“I don’t care about you, or your situation…”

Many trolls commenting on my blog posts don’t bother to read anything I have written and they will shameless admit this by saying something to the effect of, “I don’t care about anything you said because you’re criminal”. This is usually followed by them explaining why they believe they are the REAL victims in all of this, demonizing immigrants who they think are somehow oppressing THEM, and general stories about their life failures. They tell me all of this with the expectation that I will care deeply. Which I don’t. I’m blogging about murder, illegal drugs, human trafficking, growing up in a chosa, and not having the right to vote. Do these people honestly think that I’m going to put their feelings, life failures, and concerns as a top priority in my life, especially after they told me they don’t give a hoot about my basic human rights? I think not.

I’ve had commentators tell me about their inability to get a job and how this is somehow my fault because I’m an immigrant right? I’ve had others bemoan how unfair it was that I “cheating” the system while they had to work a job they didn’t like. Others talked about how hard it was that they immigrated legally from other parts of the world, or knew people who did. Some even talked about personal failings like not being able to start a successful home business. I understand that everyone has a struggle. But if you going to attack my personal page by calling me racial slurs, or telling me that what I’m saying doesn’t matter, don’t expect me to care about your personal issues, and emotions.

“OHHHH, You’re gonna get deported” or “I’ll call the police on you!”

Please do. Nothing will happen. Do you know why? It’s because many people who talk like this don’t understand their own laws. It’s also because these people are typically very racist. They assume that all undocumented immigrants must be evil criminals hiding from the law, committing identity theft, smuggling drugs, and planting bombs up their buns. They also assume that deportations are easy which they aren’t. I would have to be sent to court and I still have the right to due process under the US constitution. I can’t be deported unless I commit a felony anyway, so this threat is a joke. More than anything else it reveals ignorance.

“Illegals have been taking advantage of US for a long time.” Or “When and how are you planning on paying this country back for all things you got through tax payer dollars?”


My First PG 13 Movie


Things I found confusing as an Immigrant to the US