Welcome to my achieved blog! These posts are from 2018-2019. I wanted to start fresh with a new blog in 2020 because I felt that my brand was going in a new direction. I had an apartment I love, reached a new level professionally, and was starting to think of going back to college. My hope was to showcase a transformation on my site. It was originally my goal to explore emotional topics, and discuss my research on a new level in my new blog. But COVID and the general hostility online made me NOT want to reach a new level of intimacy in my writing. In many ways, it is very disappointing to look back and realize that I’m still struggling to survive and fight for my community.
Take Me to Church
I am the daughter of Eve, the original sin that all mankind has inherited. I am temptation, the tree of knowledge, the fruit, the bite, the consumption, I am people’s sinful thoughts, hunger, and desires.
Modern Day Slavery in New York
These organizations all have many things in common. They benefit from criminalization of sex workers and “the nordic model”, they pretend to fight for us. But they silence us, and the public largely doesn’t know that these organizations put sex workers, and other criminalized, marginalized, poor people to work for little to no pay. Despite the fact that these organizations are run like businesses, they call themselves “the voice of the voiceless”, they are non profits, and they don’t pay taxes from the profits they made from us.
Gilda's Current Sex Worker/Trafficking Reading List
looks in depth at the various reform institutions which were set up to house prostitutes, analysing the motives of the reformers as well as daily life within these penitentiaries.
This indispensable book reveals:
* reformers' attitudes towards prostitutes and prostitution * daily life inside reform institutions
* attempts at moral education
* developments in moral health theories
* influence of eugenics
* attempts at suppressing prostitution.
Free Porn hurts sex workers & Criminalization doesn't help
You should be an adult to view my content, and you should be paying for it. These wealthy businessman and tech companies are not in the sex industry, and most of them have NEVER been on a porn set. Instead they work in the tech industry, and they benefit from laws that target the sex industry…because it doesn’t impact them at all. In fact… They actually LOBBY FOR ANTI-SEX WORK LAWS SO THEY CAN PROFIT.
Katie Meyler, the former CEO of this organization was actually homeless when she decided to create the organization. She used a underaged black girl in her ads to make money and spread her message. She was promoted by celebrities and the media. She won awards. She became rich from the organization.
Her partner in the organization raped the girls, and had HIV. He gave some of the girls HIV. She knew and did NOTHING. She told people that it was what the girls were used to anyway. The “school” she set up to “save” the girls from prostitution was not accredited and they didn’t work with local officials in Africa.
Twitter Threads on Problematic ways Human Trafficking is discussed.
That’s the scary thing about only censorship, because of what I do everything I ever write and do is in jeopardy of being erased forever. It’s happened so many times already that I don’t panic the way I used to. I’m used to starting over and over again.
Non Profit Industrial Complex and how it serves Neoliberalism
Sexual humanitarianism’s moral imperative to “rescue” victims of sex trafficking often becomes entangled with the enforcement of restrictive labor-migration policies and controls, exacerbating migrants’ vulnerability to exploitation in line with racial, ethnic, and class-based hierarchies (Chapkis 2003). My work draws on critical studies of the category of the trafficked “victim,” which strongly indicate the need to transcend the dichotomy between “free” and “forced”
Three Anti-Sex Trafficking Orgs Refused To Be in the Same Room as a Migrant Sex Worker...
These people are dangerous. They actively ignore the communities they hurt the most while claiming to advocate for them, they actively want to change every part of ourselves because they think they know what’s best. It’s violently destroying people’s livelihood, advocating invasion raids, and it hurts their sense of agency, and acceptance in the world.
SWERFs are misogynistic
SWERFs (people who exclude sex workers from feminism and society) secretly hate us. The mask comes off all the time, they have a very deep contempt for us, and routinely demean us. There’s a hostility to our existence, self righteousness, and condescension. It’s exhausting.
Nickki Bell, Sex workers are not "very damaged human beings"!
“You might think you weren’t paying for a trafficking victim,” she recalled telling them. “Why does that matter? Money doesn’t equal consent. It is unwanted sex. You’re putting your wants above a very damaged human being. I hope at least that I have ruined your ‘Pretty Woman’ fantasy, and for those who don’t care, just know that every woman who gets in your car is disgusted by you.”
Katharine Brushnell, WWCTU (World Woman’s Christian Temperance Union), and the root of “America’s moral empire”
“Time was when so-called Christian civilization seemed able to send its vices abroad and keep its virtues at home…That day has passed forever. With the invention of the steam as a locomotive power of great velocity, with the introduction of the cable, and later, the wireless telegraphy; with the mastery of tehse natural forces and their introduction in every part of the world, we see the old world being drawn nearer and nearer to us by ten thousand cords of commercial interests, until shortly, probably within the life time of you and me, the once worn out and almost stranded wreck will be found quickened with new life and moored alongside us. The Orient is already feeling the thrill of renewed life. It is responding to the touch of the youth and vigor of the West and becoming rejuvenated; it is drawing closer and closer in its eagerness for the warmth of new interests.”
I'm a former Child Migrant & TIM BALLARD doesn't SPEAK FOR US
Migrants are often treated like second class citizens, and have adversarial relationship with law enforcement because our very existence is criminalized. It’s infuriating to me that children have to be detained, and denied entry because some Americans are child molesters. His reasoning sounds like victim blaming in the most extreme degree. It leads me to wonder if building another barrier for children, families, and people to survive through is to “protect the children”, why does he allow his children to live in the US? He knows the US is the hotbed of child porn and sex, and California is the capital of porn, so why does he raise his 9 children here? If his reasoning is that the best way to protect child migrants is to deny them entry, and deport them, shouldn’t he want that for all American children as well? Wouldn’t it be easier for child molesters to abuse the children around them, rather than having them shipped over and risking that they die on an already deadly journey?
The Signs of Sex Trafficking Business Card
Just in case it wasn’t completely clear what they are ACTUALLY TARGETING AND DOING, “Shift language: from ‘prostitution’ to ‘sexually exploited children’, from ‘John’ to ‘buyer/perpetrator’”. One of the most disturbing things they want to do is “target youth as potential buyers”. They are fully aware that what they really want to do is eliminate sex workers and anyone involved. They are well aware that targeting prostitution/sex workers doesn’t sell as well as calling us “sex trafficking” or “sexually exploited children”. This isn’t about saving people, it’s about persecuting the sex industry and anyone that LOOKS LIKE they could be in the sex industry.