Welcome to my achieved blog! These posts are from 2018-2019. I wanted to start fresh with a new blog in 2020 because I felt that my brand was going in a new direction. I had an apartment I love, reached a new level professionally, and was starting to think of going back to college. My hope was to showcase a transformation on my site. It was originally my goal to explore emotional topics, and discuss my research on a new level in my new blog. But COVID and the general hostility online made me NOT want to reach a new level of intimacy in my writing. In many ways, it is very disappointing to look back and realize that I’m still struggling to survive and fight for my community.
Three Anti-Sex Trafficking Orgs Refused To Be in the Same Room as a Migrant Sex Worker...
These people are dangerous. They actively ignore the communities they hurt the most while claiming to advocate for them, they actively want to change every part of ourselves because they think they know what’s best. It’s violently destroying people’s livelihood, advocating invasion raids, and it hurts their sense of agency, and acceptance in the world.
Nickki Bell, Sex workers are not "very damaged human beings"!
“You might think you weren’t paying for a trafficking victim,” she recalled telling them. “Why does that matter? Money doesn’t equal consent. It is unwanted sex. You’re putting your wants above a very damaged human being. I hope at least that I have ruined your ‘Pretty Woman’ fantasy, and for those who don’t care, just know that every woman who gets in your car is disgusted by you.”
The Signs of Sex Trafficking Business Card
Just in case it wasn’t completely clear what they are ACTUALLY TARGETING AND DOING, “Shift language: from ‘prostitution’ to ‘sexually exploited children’, from ‘John’ to ‘buyer/perpetrator’”. One of the most disturbing things they want to do is “target youth as potential buyers”. They are fully aware that what they really want to do is eliminate sex workers and anyone involved. They are well aware that targeting prostitution/sex workers doesn’t sell as well as calling us “sex trafficking” or “sexually exploited children”. This isn’t about saving people, it’s about persecuting the sex industry and anyone that LOOKS LIKE they could be in the sex industry.